
Modular DS Lifetime Deal for $59

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $59.00.

Automate maintenance tasks for multiple WordPress sites and scale recurring revenue

Get Lifetime Deal

Published on: January 25, 2025
Modified on: January 25, 2025

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Modular DS Lifetime Deal for $59

Modular DS lets you automate maintenance tasks for multiple WordPress sites and scale your recurring revenue.

Maintain all your WordPress sites

No need to log into every website, every single time! Modular DS lets you manage plugins and themes for all your WordPress sites using the same dashboard.

Upload files, browse the WordPress repository, or use the AI assistant to install new plugins and themes to multiple websites
Update, activate, deactivate, or delete plugins and themes—as well as WordPress core versions—across all your websites in one click
Automatically check for vulnerabilities and security issues to ensure themes, plugins, and site versions are updated right away

Maintain all your themes, plugins, and WordPress updates from one dashboard to minimize security risks.
Reliable uptime monitoring

You’ll get access to an uptime monitoring tool that helps you stay online and notifies you as soon as your website’s down.

Set up custom monitoring intervals, ranging from two minutes to every half hour
Get notified before your SSL certificate expires
Identify potential vulnerabilities in your website or server that could hinder performance

Take advantage of built-in uptime monitoring to keep your website online 24/7.
Keep everything safe with backups

You’ll also be able to set up monthly, weekly, daily, or instant backups to recover from any sudden crashes or critical data loss.

Save space on your hosting plan by storing backups in the cloud instead of your web server
Choose what to backup like specific files, databases, or your entire website—and exclude the rest
Restore any backup with a single click and get back online in a jiffy

Rest easy with cloud-based backups that help you recover from sudden crashes or data loss.
Value-packed reports for clients

Best of all, you can generate data-rich reports for your clients to break down the value of your services—and get paid in full and on time.

Schedule reports every week, month, or quarter and send them as PDFs or landing pages from Modular DS with your email domain
Include updates, backups, uptime, and data from Google Search Console, Google Analytics, PageSpeed, or WooCommerce
Add maintenance tasks and contextual screenshots to keep clients in the loop

Send data-rich reports to your clients that include updates, backups, uptime, and so much more!

Locking in more clients is already a full-time job! Modular DS lets you automate all your WordPress maintenance tasks, so you can focus on what really matters.

Safeguard client sites on autopilot.

Get lifetime access to Modular DS today!

Automate maintenance tasks for multiple WordPress sites and scale recurring revenue

Install, update, activate, deactivate, and delete plugins or themes across multiple WordPress sites at once
Automate maintenance, keep sites up-to-date, and monitor for any security vulnerabilities in real time